I've been reading so many wonderful blogs lately with so many wonderful projects finished or in progress. I have so many cravings of pieces that I want to start on, yet I have so many pieces that I am working on in various forms of progression. It just sucks! I want to start something like 6 or 7 possibly more new pieces, but I keep holding off because I feel I need to finish another of my BAP. Now, imagine me using a 2 year old whiny voice, I want to start new projects!!!!! Patience is a virtue, right??? Such crap when it comes to cross stitch. The list of what I want to start, now remember this is just a couple that are screeching at me, BRD Peppermint Twist, ByGone Stitches Quaker Virtues, LHN Sea to Shininig Sea, LHN Traveling Stitcher, LK ABC Lessons, anything SB, and BC Red Thread. OOPS, I forgot there's a couple of Prairie Schoolers that are screaming at me too, but they have to wait since I don't have the charts yet.
Well, on a little bit better note, here is a finish for this week. I love this little piece. I stitched this over one on 25 ct. fabric with DMC threads. I'm also still working on the JCS model piece.

These are the pinwheels for the baby quilt from the last post. I had to make 12 of them, and I finished the 12 yesterday morning. They were a PIA. I've never done pinwheels before. Heck, I've never done triangles of any kind before. Getting the points to match were terrible. I don't know how many times I ripped these apart. I'm satisfied with what I've done though.

I went to the new LNS that opened on Friday. It was pretty good. The fact that they are just opening, they didn't have a lot of charts, but they are slowly building up their stock. Here's the stash that I got. It was so nice to fondle threads and fabrics again. Then, I received an order from Shepherd's Bush as well.

Well, I hope everyone has a great week.
Take care!
PS: Hopefully big news later this week. Keep your fingers crossed, and a couple of prayers would be great too.
Great new stash!!!
That is such a fun finish! And so true too!
Wonderful stash.. I see 2 or 3 charts that I am hoping to buy soon. Love the progress on the baby quilt.
you did great on the pinwheels!! love the new stash.
LOL! Great finish on the Housework piece. I know what you mean about craving that new project. I see some patterns in your list that have been calling my name, too. :)
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